
Who Are We?


Rotherham District Civic Society stands for protecting and preserving all that is best in the heritage of Rotherham and improving the environment for the present and future generations.

What We Stand For

What We Stand For

We stand for protecting and preserving all that is best in the heritage of the town and district and improving the environment for the present future generations.


That is why we, as a group, try to ensure that local people have a voice in matters concerning a wide range of issues.


We act as a co-ordinator and consultative body by liaising with local authorities, planning committees and decision makers in the pursuit of the Society's objectives.


Who We Are

We are an entirely voluntary organisation of people who live and work in Rotherham Borough and are driven by a deep care for its past, present and future.


The Society is steered by an Executive Committee which is elected at the annual AGM in June and brings together a wide range of skills and experience, from lthe wider community.


Do you have a skill or passion about the place where you work, play and live?

Why not come along to a meeting to find out more about the work of the society and join us.


Follow our latest news and activities.

Corporate Membership

As a business you may want to have your say on how decisions are made to improve the locality and secure the rich heritage of Rotherham.


RDCS Blue Plaque (Colour)
Donal Bailey
Derek Dalton
Charles Sargen Jagger
Ann Hinchliffe
Frederick Trueman
Ivy Cottage
Peter Bartle
Sir onald Bailey OBE
William Green
download (5)

Blue Plaques

A blue plaque is a permanent sign  installed in a public place to commemorate a link between that location and a famous person, event, or a former building on the site, serving as a historical marker,


If you care about Rotherham and share our concerns to make Rotherham an even better place to live, work or do business and attract visitors then why not become a member of the Society.


Our fundamental principles and core values.

New Blue Plaque Booklet

Thomas Rotheram Blue Plaque Unveiled


The Society is delighted to have unveiled its latest Blue Plaque dedicated to Thomas Rotherham (1423-1500)

Thomas was a Rotherham cleric and statesman and rose to the position of Lord Chancellor of England and Archbishop of York.

The chapel of Jesus is in Rotherham Minster whilst the
Grade II listed remains of the College of Jesus are in
Effingham Street behind the Pawnbrokers shop.

The Blue Plaque was unveiled by Rotherham MP Sarah Champion on Yorkshire Day. During the speach the MP congratulated the Society for its work and recommended the "Discovering Rotherham - The Blue Plaque Booklet" where additional information can be found about all the plaques in and around the Bourough of Rotherham.

The Society has a good turnout with many peole staying to ask questions about the Society.

Thomas Rotherham
Thomas Rotherham
rotherham college of jesus door
rotherham college of jesus door

All New Members joining the society will be eligible to receive their complimentary copy of Discovering Rotherham - "The Blue Plaque Trail".

Membership enquiries either by phone or email

Contact Bernard Fletcher on 07879048660

Discovering World Class Rotherham

Short Story and Poetry Competition

Now Open

Our Living Heritage

Success Stories

"Securing our past for the future"


Get In Touch - Stay In Touch!


The Centre,

Brinsworth Lane,

Brinsworth, Rotherham S60 5BU